Monday, April 1, 2013

We Have Windows!!!

Well haven't posted in awhile!  We have been out of town on an anniversary / Spring Break trip to Panama City to see Dodd (Brandon Dodd).  It was really really cold so not too much beach time but we were able to go deep sea fishing, eat some good seafood and do some shopping! 

Here was Brent's big catch fishing (disclaimer:  I am on the deck above so it doesn't look like a huge fish but it really was pretty big!).

Here is all the fish caught for the day!

In house news before we left our windows were installed!  Hullco did an awesome job and while I haven't seen the next power bill to see a lower cost I can tell a difference in the house of temperature.  Also they just look better and they are easy to clean....all exciting things!

Here are some pictures!


I used this picture of the front of the house to show the IMMEDIATE need for landscaping help :)

We will be working on this ASAP but a few things we hope to have done by the end of the week:

- Tile / Paint / Purchase shelves and clean laundry room

- Paint master bedroom

My goal is to have these done by the end of the upcoming weekend! 

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