Sunday, March 17, 2013

6 Feet Of Glory!!!!!!

It's amazing how exciting you can be about a closet!  We have officially completed the closet in the master bedroom and it has really made a great difference!  It is 6 feet of glorious space compared to two feet before!   We have been able to remove the clothes rack we had in the bedroom and have (basically) all our clothes in our room.  I am going to give Brent some big credit here because he pretty much did it all and it saved us a ton of money from having to use a contractor!!!  Any thoughts in the crown molding?  We are doing it around the master bedroom but 8 feet is about $12 so we can't decide if it is worth it to do around the whole house.

Here is the after pictures of the closet  The doors and wall need to be painted but you get the idea.

Now we have to paint the room because 1) it is some ridiculous blue color I thought I liked and 2) the whole room needs a makeover.  Haha prior to this post I have shyed away from before pictures because well they were embarrassing but have decided to just show to whole truth and it will make after pictures more exciting.  So next weekend we are painting and we want to update the master by moving the furniture, adding crown molding and some new decorations.  Here is what it looks like now.

Haha you might notice the picture frame with the pictures in it from the store.  Maybe we should do something about that???  Also I hear adults have bed skirts on their beds.....

Looking forward to updating it a bit!!!!  I really don't know which way I want to go in here in terms of cutesy, trendy, plain, etc.  I tend to like a bedroom that is pretty boring and can't stand throw pillows but if somehow the room could look like this it would be great.  Here is my inspiration picture.

I showed Brent some of my "Pinterest" pins and got really excited because he agreed to attempt wainscoting somewhere in the house.  We are thinking the dining room.

In other fun project news we found cabinets and storage shelves for the laundry room.  Hopefully this week we will hear from Neal's brother to come do the tile in the laundry and room and we will totally remodel that room.  Here is the inspiration pic but we actually have a much larger space so we will have many more cabinets / storage units.

Also we should hear from Hullco this week about when our windows will be in and I expect we will have them installed sometime in the next two weeks!!!!

Hope everyone had a great St. Patty's Day!!!!

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