Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Projects, Projects, Projects

We seem to have a bunch of projects going on at the same time lately!  We are sort of all over the place doing a little in each room of the house.  It's weird I have felt lately like we haven't accomplished much because everything has sort of been chaotic, messy and some of the typical remodeling bumps have occurred along the way but we keep charging through!

The one project I wanted more than anything else was to create a larger closet in the master bedroom.  Anyone that knows old houses knows that they typically come with very small closets.  Ours was no different.  It had a two foot door but the closet was six feet wide so I needed to take adavantage of every square inch I could. 

Here is a before picture of the closet:

It was aggravating because you couldn't get anything in the back left and right of the closet.  This has sort of become a larger project than we thought in that we removed the whole wall and had to replace sheet rock and do a little more carpentry work than we first thought but honestly when it is done it will be totally worth it!  My contribution to this project was ensuring a closet organizer was purchased and Brent has been teaching me along the way!!!

Even before we were complete (considering we aren't even done as of now) I was so excited and I wanted to put the clothes in to see what it looked like and here is the glory of Brent and my clothes in the same closet!!!

They still don't all fit but it is SO much better now!!!! We are still not 100% done but getting closer!

Other projects we are working on now is cleaning out the carport.  Yes I said carport and yes I hate having a carport but it is much worse having a very very full carport of junk!  Basically the carport was a holding spot for things we didn't need and we had a back deck (many people wouldn't even know we had this because no one ever goes back there) that was full of just junk.  Most of this was stuff Brent had from before I even knew him and we just never touched because we never had anywhere to throw it all away but thank you city of Chattanooga for bringing us a dump truck. 

We had a dumpster delivered today and were able to get rid of a ton of JUNK!!!! 

Here is a few shots of how much junk needed to go!!!!

We also ripped out a bunch in the laundry room because we will have Neal's brother come put tile down and we will build new shelves out there to maximize space and storage needs.

We also completed some outside projects including cleaning out the gutters and pressure washing the front of the house but we still need to redo all the landscaping and somehow make a carport look acceptable.

This weekend I would like to work outside a bit and finish the closet in the master bedroom!

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